Campus Blend App

Craft and share your Signature Sips with your Campus community.

Machine and Application design, Research, Branding
Project Role
Product Design
User Experience Design
User Interface Design

The Campus Blend Smoothie Machine makes healthy eating engaging and easy for college students by driving campus community engagement over trending drinks. The machine offers customizable smoothies, accessed via the accompanying app. Students can personalize their orders and join a community forum to share recipes and order from top-rated creations.

Social Forum

The Campus Blend Application, part of the Campus Blend project was designed to not only place orders on the machine but also create communities within campuses where people can build and share custom drinks, earn rewards and participare in a campus wide drink poppularity contest with the most ordered drinks reaching the top and winning the creators campus-wide fame.

Order Cstomization

of the Campus Blend project was designed to not only place orders on the machine but also create communities within campuses where people can build and share custom drinks, earn rewards and participare in a campus wide drink poppularity contest with the most ordered drinks rea

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Research Process

This project started with the goal of using Heuristic andCognitive design principles to create a system that inculcates the habits ofhealthy eating in young college students. This was important issue to tacklebecause:

  • This age range is a critical period establishing lifelonghabits.
  • College students are often influenced by their peers. If the proposedsolution can use that to promote healthy habits, it can create a positivesocial norm around healthier eating oncampus.
  • College students lead busy liveswith classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities. A convenient andportable snack is needed to fit into their on-the-go lifestyle.Given the largepopulation of college students within the 18 to 24 age group,there is asubstantial market for the product.
  • Health and wellness is a growing trend,especially among the younger generations who increasingly want to livehealthier lifestyles.
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For a more detailed report on this project, please reach out to me.

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